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July 19, 2024
Case study
Commercial Cleaning

Boosting Cleaning Efficiency Amidst Rising Occupancy

Global co-working brand, Southeast England

In the bustling business hub of Southeast England, a co-working office building faced the daunting challenge of maintaining high standards of cleanliness as occupancy levels nearly doubled over five months. The building management decided to adopt the PEGO system to redefine the way cleaning services were delivered at the site. The results were transformative.

The Challenge

The rapid increase in occupancy brought several issues to the forefront:

Occupant Complaints about untidy spaces and slow response times for ad-hoc cleaning needs.

Operational Inefficiencies with scheduling and task allocation, with management most often unaware of what tasks were completed each evening.

Lack of Transparency on whether the cleaning provider was delivering value for money.

Wasted Management Hours daily spent on assigning tasks to operatives, auditing the service delivery, and addressing complaints raised by occupants.

Implementing PEGO

PEGO addressed these challenges by deploying the PEGO suite across the building, to produce 4 key deliverables:

PEGO Model (Core)

PEGO created a light, fit-for-purpose interactive 3D model of the building (the PEGO Model) to help management and cleaning supervisors to visualise the setup and delivery of the cleaning services. This user-friendly platform became the single source of truth for all matters pertaining the contract, eliminating the need for wasteful independent supervision and audits from both sides.

Feedback and On Demand Cleaning (Pulse)

PEGO designed a series of QR codes made to order in stainless steel, to match the interior décor of the building. Each room in the building contains a dedicated QR code that allows occupants to request tasks and submit feedback instantly, using their mobile phones. Occupants do not need a mobile app or a login (nor even to accept a pesky cookie message)! The PEGO QR codes therefore provided inexpensive and frictionless feedback channels.

Tasks created via the PEGO QR codes are pushed to the top of the to-do list on the relevant operative’s mobile app, directing them to prioritise live requests.

Task Management (Core)

All recurring tasks for the building were set up on the PEGO Model. The system then automatically pushed the task list for the day to the operatives on duty, via the PEGO mobile app. This system eliminated the need for a supervisor to allocate tasks to each operative manually, every day. It further eliminated confusion, tasks missed or duplicated, and generally made the scheduling and management of tasks exceptionally efficient.

Computer Vision & AI Cleaning (Sense)

PEGO sensor Pods were deployed in critical areas of the building. These sensors tracked footfall and compiled high resolution maps of space utilisation, allowing managers to make data-driven decisions on the management of their building.

Although the Pods cannot capture images of occupied areas, they begin collecting images once the area is vacated. These images are then analyzed in real-time by computer vision AI. This system accurately determines the status of the rooms, identifying misplaced objects, dirt, debris, and other issues that require remediation, and automatically creates a task for operatives to address the issue.

Impressive Results Amidst Rising Occupancy

The combination of the three PEGO tiers enabled the customer to move away from a highly inefficient cleaning process to an innovative, highly efficient process of on-demand cleaning, supported by real time occupant feedback, occupancy data, computer vision and AI.

During five months from October 2023 to March 2024, the business centre saw the number of offices rented out and the resulting daily occupancy, nearly double:

+94% Occupancy

There was a 41% increase in the area requiring regular cleaning, yet this was met with a 20% increase in contracted hours, resulting in a

21% reduction in cleaning costs

The true measure of the efficiency gains in this contract are far superior to 21% though: Due to the steep increase in building occupancy, the common areas in the building (co-working areas, meeting rooms, washrooms and tea points) are now on average used twice as much as they were at the beginning of the period, requiring much more frequent cleaning and to a higher standard.

92% fewer complaints per occupant

A better measure of the overall improvement of the service at this site, is perhaps the reduction in complaints from occupants, in spite of their number duplicating during the period.

80% less management time

In addition, building managers reported significant time savings due to the ability to supervise the delivery of the cleaning contract through their PEGO Dashboard. They no longer needed to review cleaning logs, micro-manage the daily tasks of operatives, or dealing with complaints from occupants. The transparency provided by PEGO allowed them to focus on more important aspects of their job, such as renting out offices and on-boarding new occupants.


This case study highlights how PEGO’s technology solutions addressed specific challenges faced by a global co-working brand in the delivery of janitorial services at one of their sites. The PEGO solution resulted in a 21% reduction in cleaning costs, whilst the fact this was achieved during a 94% increase in occupancy suggests a much higher underlying increase in productivity.

Perhaps most telling than numbers and statistics, is the fact that both building managers and occupants unanimously praised the transformational difference PEGO brought to the daily running and fruition of this office building.

PEGO deployed state-of-the-art technology with a steadfast focus on solving on the needs and frustrations of building management, occupants, and cleaning operatives, significantly improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

“Implementing PEGO has been a game-changer for us. Not only have we seen a remarkable increase in cleaning efficiency, but the transparency and real-time data have also saved us countless hours each week. The feedback from occupants has also been overwhelmingly positive, with fewer complaints and a cleaner environment overall.”

Site Manager, April 2024

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If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact us below, and our team will help you setup your perfect system to achieve more efficient cleaning operations.

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